Modern Study Room Designs for Your Kid’s Bedroom

modern study room designs for kids bedroom


Modern study room designs place greater emphasis on customization and comfort. The use of ergonomic study desks, clutter-free spaces, and multi-functional desks are major aspects of modern study room designs. Integration of study units in bedroom designs has now become very common. Right from convenience to greater space utilization an integrated study space provides multiple utilities. Looking for ideas to integrate a functionally optimized study space into your kid’s bedroom? Here is how you can achieve a modern study room design for your kid’s bedroom.

The Best Study Room Ideas for Your Kid’s Bedroom

kids bedroom study space equiments

1. Get The Color Scheme Right

The first and foremost consideration in the bedroom study unit design is the choice of colors. Studies have shown that the use of mild colors such as beige can have a positive effect on the user’s learning experience. The most recommended colors for bedroom study design are:

Green: Green is a top color for study room designs. The color is among the most vision-friendly colors. Worried about your kid’s long study hours? Green is among the best solutions for study room walls and furniture.

Blue: The color blue is widely acclaimed by interior designers for its soothing effect. Colors such as sky blue are great choices for integrated study room walls. Various shades of blue can also be used for curtains and other accessories.

2. Take Care of  the Lighting

Just like any other part of home interior design lighting is a vital part of study room designs. The age old advice of placing the study desk near a source of natural light is not going anywhere. 

Apart from this the top designers suggest to optimise the space’s artificial lighting for enhanced productivity.  

The Best Lighting Solution For Bedroom Study Unit Design

Task Lights: The name of this lighting is quiet suggestive of what it stands for. They are meant for specific tasks in the study space. Adjustable Desk Lamp is the most popular example of study room task lighting.

Ambient Light: No place in modern interior design is complete without the presence of general lighting. Ambient lights can brighten up the entire study space. Warm white LED bulb is among the most sorted study room ambient lights.

3. Create a Quiet Study Corner

A quiet study corner is one of the most suggested study space design ideas for a modern bedroom. A quiet study corner can enhance the concentration of the user as the area is generally free from distractions.

Best Bedroom Study Unit Designs For Corners

L-shaped Study Desk: In modern interior design L-shaped study desks have become synonymous of corner study units. The L-shape of the desk perfectly fits in the corner of the study design ensuring the user gets a quiet place for learning.

Wall-Mounted Study Unit: Just like the L-shaped study unit, the wall-mounted study unit can be placed in the corners of any space. Wall-mounted corner study unit generally has a lesser working area than the L-shaped study unit but is high on aesthetics.

4. Go for Desk Accessories

A modern study room design can not be complete without the provision of additional accessories. Additional accessories such as a footrest can complete the ergonomic aspects of a modern study room design.

The use of hidden cable management system can also contribute to a clutter free space. It goes without saying a clutter free space is great for enhanced concentration.

Most Recommended Desk Accessories for a Modern Bedroom Study Design

Desk Organiser: A desk organizer can add to the functionality of your study room design. The use of standing desk organizers is now in trend. These desk organizers can place anything from important documents to pens.

Laptop Stand: At present a laptop holds as much value in a student’s life as books. Students have to spend long hours in front of laptop screens for various research. This can easily strain the eyes. A laptop stand allows the user to set the height of the screen as per their comfort.

Advantages of an Integrated Study Room With Bedroom

1.Space Optimization

Many homes don’t have sufficient space to accommodate a separate study room. In such cases going for an integrated study room with a bedroom can ensure optimum utilization of space.

2. Cozy Environment

The study space in the bedroom can create a relaxed setup which can help the user to concentrate better. A relaxed environment can reduce the stress among students.

3. Customizable Option

A bedroom study room design can be personalized in any way you want. From the location to the type of study desk the user can finalize everything as per their wish.

4. Keeping Up with the Trend

One of the most searched topics in interior designs is bedroom study room design. It indicates that if you are going for an integrated study space you are keeping up with the trend.

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